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We are an Envision site located in Berlin, Germany. We are committed to raising a generation of innovative missional leaders through short-term trips, internships, and residencies, by way of intentional involvement with our long term ministry presence in the community. Watch the video below to learn more about why we do what we do.
What makes Envision Berlin Unique?
Deeper Life Community
A focus on deep spirituality through intentional weekly practices.
Presence Based Ministry
Community-based partnerships.
Artists and Creatives
An intentional focus on creativity, performance arts, fine art, and media production.
Applied Education
Learning in community while putting knowledge into direct practice.
Ministry Hub
Networking, providing, and sharing resources with ministry partners (locally, regionally, and internationally)
There are great opportunities to serve with Envision Berlin – on a Short Term Team, as an Intern, or as a Resident.
Life-long learners make the best leaders. We place a high priority on learning, but understand that traditional institutional learning is not for everyone.
Whether it is fine art, performance art, or media production – there is a place for you to use (or learn and grow in) your creative skills.
Ministering Differently
Finding creative ways to serve and help others means that ministry can look really different! Are you interested in engaging your community in new ways? Or are you interested in helping us engage our community more? Contact us!
Podcast Episodes Recorded
Art Exhibits
Service Projects
Collaborative Services
Questions? Comments?
Get in Touch!
Head to our site at weareenvision to apply or see more information, or send us a message using the form below!