Justin and Stephen talk about the presidential debates, the dissertation process, and then are joined by Charles Galbreath to discuss his multicultural church context in Brooklyn.

Charles talks about the lessons he has learned from pastoring his diverse and largely Black congregation, with congregants from many different linguistic and cultural backgrounds. He also discusses what it means to be a pastor not only to his church but also for his neighborhood.

Charles, Justin, and Stephen talk about how the American church has responded to the events of the last six months, particularly around racial trauma and injustice. They also discuss the relationship between the church and Christian higher ed, and how the people of Jesus could be leading discussions of justice instead of reacting to them.

Charles explains why he is both encouraged and discouraged and repeats Jesus’s question about whether we want to be healed.

We have show notes for you at profsinrooms.com. To donate to production costs, visit profsinrooms.com or become a patron.

Resources from this episode:

Clarenden Road Church

Charles Galbreath at Clarenden Road Church

Leah Gunning Francis’s book: Ferguson and Faith

Stephanie Mitchem’s book: Race, Religion and Politics

Johnathan Walton’s book: A Lens of Love

Paulo Freire’s book: Pedagogy of the Oppressed

Tim Keller’s article: A Biblical Critique of Secular Justice and Critical Theory

Tim Keller’s book: Generous Justice

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This episode’s Patreon bonus content includes a conversation on the prophetic voice of hip hop. It will be posted on 10/19.

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