Professors, in Rooms, Getting Coffee
Coffee with Ken
About This Episide
Credits: Regular Theme Music “A New Hope” by MeGustaMusic.
This episode was partially recorded on the land of the Wahpekute, Anishinabewaki, and the Očeti Šakówiŋ (Sioux).
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Season 3 Ep. 3: Empire, Interpretation, and the Bible pt. 2 of 3
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Season 3 Ep. 2: Empire, Interpretation, and the Bible pt. 1 of 3
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Season 2 Ep. 20: Happy Summer!
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Season 2 Ep. 19: Learning from Muslim Friends – with Rachel Pieh Jones
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Season 2 Ep. 18: Finding, Not Being, the Center – with Rachel Pieh Jones
In this episode, Rachel Pieh Jones joins Justin and Stephen to discuss her new book Pillars: How Muslim Friends led me Closer to Jesus. Rachel shares her inspiration for the book, and talks about how discovering the core of her own faith allowed her to work on rooting out unhelpful beliefs, while also opening her to be more deeply present with people who are different from her.Rachel also talks about the unique joys of being a Christian in a place where Jesus-followers are in the minority, and what she has learned as she has deconstructed the idol of safety. In Episode 19, Justin and Stephen talk more specifically with Rachel about what she has learned from her Muslim friends.Also in this episode, Justin and Stephen discuss parenting and the way that memories are connected to material items as they talk through their highlights, lowlights, and insights for the week.We have show notes for you at and bonus material on Patreon!To donate to production costs, visit or become a patron. Find Profs in Rooms mugs and more here. Resources from this episode:Resources related to today’s episode:Rachel’s websiteFind Rachel on social media:Instagram: @rachelpiehjonesFacebookTwitter: @rachelpiehjonesRachel’s book: Pillars: How Muslim Friends led me Closer to Jesus: On | On AmazonRachel’s book: Stronger than Death: How Annalena Tonelli Defied Terror and Tuberculosis in the Horn of Africa: On | On Amazon Justin, Stephen, and Rachel discuss household help in more detail, on Patreon (for subscribers).About Rachel Pieh JonesRachel Pieh JonesRachel Pieh Jones moved to Somaliland in 2003 and has lived in Djibouti since 2004. She and her husband run a school in Djibouti and she writes about life at the crossroads of faith and culture. Her work has appeared in the New York Times, Christianity Today, Runners World, and more. Her writing is influenced by living in the Horn of Africa, raising Third Culture Kids, and adventurous exploration of the natural world. She is the author of Stronger than Death: How Annalena Tonelli Defied Terror and Tuberculosis in the Horn of Africa and her newest book, just out in April is Pillars: How Muslim Friends Led Me Closer to Jesus.Credits: Regular Theme Music by Josiah En